• Battle of San Romano Bernardino della Ciarda

Battle of San Romano Bernardino della Ciarda

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Battle of San Romano Bernardino della Ciarda is a group painting included three pieces. In the painting Paolo Uccello depicted the war between Florence and neighboring country. He listed expressing the symbolist space by the un-real painting method. So he adapted the common used painting skill to process the foregrounds and showing the perspective space. The artist didn't pay attention to the war, he studied the perspective in the painting method, but didn't care about the figures lively character, that made the painting looks unreal.

China Oil Painting Gallery supply Battle of San Romano Bernardino della Ciarda of Paolo Uccello by customer sizes. 100% hand painted museum quality painting reproduction on canvas for sale . We can paint by any size. If you need a customer size that out of above list, please contact with us.

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